Google CTF 2019 – Beginner’s Quest: STOP GAN (pwn)
Hey folks, we got back with a nice and straightforward challenge from Google CTF beginner’s quest and it is from the (pwn) category. Download ChallengeRead More
Camp CTF 2015 – Bitterman Write-up
This is really was an interesting challenge, it is a classic buffer overflow vulnerability but with DEP enabled and to exploit it we need toRead More
Ret2Libc Exploitation Example
Buffer overflow exploitation with ret2libc.
ROP exploitation on x32 Linux
Introduction ROP or “Return-oriented programming” is an exploitation technique that allows an attacker to execute code in the presence of security defenses such as executableRead More
For Beginners ~ Linux Buffer Overflow Challenge
Crashing stack with basic Linux buffer overflow.

Getting started with GDB on Linux x64
Introduction: In this post, I’ll start explaining the basics of GDB usage for executing Buffer Overflow attacks on x64 Linux operating system along with someRead More